Daily Current Affairs - 20 May 2024

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The Sri Lankan golden-backed frog, 

Hylarana gracilis, has been rediscovered in India’s Koundinya Wildlife Sanctuary after 200 years. This finding by researchers from the Zoological Survey of India and the Andhra Pradesh Biodiversity Board supports the historic land bridge theory between India and Sri Lanka during the late Pleistocene period.

The issue of illegal mining in Sariska 

has been a longstanding challenge. Despite various legal and administrative efforts to curb these activities, the problem persists due to factors like ambiguous reserve boundaries and the impact on local communities. Recently, the Supreme Court of India ordered the closure of 68 mines within a one-kilometer radius of the Sariska Tiger Reserve to protect the reserve from illegal mining activities². This decision is part of a broader attempt to enforce stricter protections for the reserve and its ecosystem, which is crucial for the survival of wildlife, including tigers⁴. The court's ruling supports the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 and the Environment Protection Act of 1986, which prohibit quarrying in protected areas⁴. The state government of Rajasthan has been instructed to develop a closure plan and ensure compliance before the next hearing.

India is actively considering initiating negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), 

as stated by the Foreign Minister of Belarus, Sergei Aleinik. This development is significant given Belarus’ close alignment with Russia, especially in the context of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict.

During his visit to India, Minister Aleinik met with Indian officials, including External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, and discussed various topics, including the potential FTA. The discussions also touched upon mutual support at the United Nations and the shared vision of a multipolar world order based on equality and balanced interests.

The FTA talks are part of a broader effort to enhance economic relations between India and Belarus, and by extension, the EAEU member states, which include Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The agreement aims to provide Indian exporters with greater market access and is seen as a strategic move to balance China’s influence in Eurasia.

Beware of vishing: Voice call frauds

 the increasing threat of vishing, a form of fraud that involves voice calls. Vishing attacks use social engineering to trick victims into divulging sensitive information like financial details or passwords. The article emphasizes the importance of being cautious with unsolicited phone calls and advises against sharing personal information over the phone unless the caller’s identity can be independently verified.

For protection against vishing,

  • Never answering calls from unknown numbers.
  • Not interacting with suspicious phone calls.
  • Using a caller ID app but not completely trusting it.
  • Treating vishing scams as seriously as SMS phishing (smishing) scams.

The government has issued advisories warning about these sophisticated cybercrimes and the role of artificial intelligence in aiding attackers to imitate voices and mannerisms, making the scams more convincing.

Remember, staying informed and vigilant is key to protecting yourself from such threats. If you receive a suspicious call, it’s best to hang up and report the incident to the relevant authorities.

 The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a warning against the use of calcium carbide for artificial fruit ripening, particularly during the mango season. 

Calcium carbide is known to release acetylene gas, which can contain harmful traces of arsenic and phosphorus. These substances can cause serious health issues such as dizziness, frequent thirst, irritation, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, and skin ulcers. The use of calcium carbide for ripening fruits is banned under the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011. FSSAI has permitted the use of ethylene gas as a safer alternative for fruit ripening in India.

The Gemini project by Google DeepMind 

is an ambitious initiative to develop advanced AI models capable of understanding and processing multimodal information, reasoning about context, and responding naturally in conversation. The project aims to create AI agents that can interact with users at a conversational pace, making the experience more intuitive and human-like. Gemini models have been designed to tackle a wide range of tasks and data without relying on specialized models, and they are expected to generate unique content that goes beyond their training data

The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its Bacterial Priority Pathogens List (BPPL) for 2024, 

which is a critical tool in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The updated list categorizes antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens into critical, high, and medium priority groups to guide research, development, and public health interventions. The 2024 BPPL includes 24 pathogens across 15 families, highlighting the global impact of drug-resistant bacteria like Gram-negative bacteria resistant to last-resort antibiotics, drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and other high-burden resistant pathogens such as Salmonella, Shigella, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The list emphasizes the need for regionally tailored strategies to effectively combat resistance and targets developers of antibacterial medicines, academic and public research institutions, research funders, and public–private partnerships investing in AMR R&D, as well as policy-makers responsible for developing and implementing AMR policies and programs

The Synuclein alpha (SNCA) protein could help in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. 

A recent study has found that managing the balance between two forms of the Synuclein alpha (SNCA) protein could help in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. 

The study, conducted by researchers at the CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in Hyderabad, was published in the Journal of Cell Science. It reported that SNCA is present in cells in two aggregate forms: one that disrupts the structural integrity of cell nuclei and another that helps degrade misfolded proteins. The former is associated with diseased states, while the latter is crucial for healthy cells. The research suggests that a balance between these two forms of SNCA could be key to managing Parkinson’s disease.

A minor girl victim support scheme that loses its way

The Hindu highlights the issues with a government scheme designed to support minor girls who are victims of sexual offences and have become pregnant. The scheme, notified by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, is criticized for its misleading name and lack of clarity, which could lead to confusion about its purpose and beneficiaries.

The scheme is governed by Sections 4 and 6 of the POCSO Act, 2012.

Funding: It is funded through the NIRBHAYA fund by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

Objectives: To provide integrated support to minor pregnant girl victims and facilitate access to services for rehabilitation.

Implementation: Executed by State/UT Governments.

Eligibility: Girls below 18 who are victims of sexual assault or rape under the POCSO Act and IPC, and who become pregnant due to the assault.

Services Offered: Includes safe transportation, health services, counselling, insurance coverage, education, legal aid, and monetary entitlements.

Challenges: The scheme does not specify if benefits continue for victims who opt for medical termination of pregnancy or have a miscarriage. Also, victims do not automatically qualify as Children in Need of Care and Protection.

This scheme aims to provide comprehensive support to minor girls who are victims of sexual crimes, ensuring their safety, health, and long-term well-being.

Short Updates 

Dinesh Kumar Tripathi has been appointed as the next Chief of the Indian Navy.

GMR Hyderabad International Airport won the Skytrax Award 2024 for ‘Best Airport Staff’.

The ‘Trirangi Barfi’ from Varanasi has been given a Geographical Indication (GI) tag.

India is supplying BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles to the Philippines.

Suman Billa has been appointed as Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism.

Hindustan Zinc has reached the third position in silver production at the global level.

Rohit Sharma has become the second player in the history of IPL to play 250 matches.

Hamad International Airport (Doha) received the Best Airport Award at Skytrax Awards 2024.

Aradhana Patnaik was appointed as Additional Secretary in the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

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