Writiy IAS notes

The Cosmos Unveiled: Big Bang Theory, Galaxies, and the Life Cycle of Stars

The Universe: Big Bang Theory, Galaxies, and Stellar Evolution - Cosmos : Refers to the universe. - Cosmic Rays : High-energy particles traveling nea…

Understand Geography: Exploring Earth's Physical and Human Landscapes

Geography is a comprehensive field that studies the Earth's physical features and the human activities that shape and are shaped by these feature…

Judicial Review in India and the United States: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Guardianship

⚖️ Judicial Review in India and the United States: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Guardianship The comparative analysis of judicial re…

Europe's Transition to Modernity from the 14th to 18th Centuries

The period from the 14th to the 18th century marked a profound transformation in European society, characterized by the decline of feudalism, the fl…

Answer Writing - Combo Plans 2025 (Essay + GS + PSIR)

Answer Writing Evaluation Program  Combo Plans 2025       UPSC CSE 2025   Combo Plans  ANSWER WRITING EVALUATION PROGRAM    For UPSC Civil Services…

Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh is a state that's as rich in its natural beauty as it is in its cultural and economic diversity.  Physiography - Mountain Range…


Haryana is a state that boasts a diverse physiography and a dynamic economy.  Physiography - Northern Fringes: The Shivaliks form the northern edge …


Gujarat is a state of remarkable contrasts, from its varied physiography to its bustling economy.  Physiography: - Kutch and Kathiawar Peninsula (Sa…


The smallest state in India by area, is known for its rich history, stunning coastline, and vibrant economy.  Rivers - Mandovi: One of the two major…


Chhattisgarh is a state with a rich tapestry of natural beauty, resources, and cultural heritage.   Physiography - Northern and Southern Regions: Dom…


Bihar, with its rich history and diverse geography, offers a unique blend of cultural heritage and economic potential.  Physiography - Plains: Occupy…

Andhra Pradesh Quick Note

Quick Note of Indian States Part - 1  Andhra Pradesh is a state in south-eastern India on the Bay of Bengal. It is the eighth-largest state by area a…
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