
What were the major technological changes introduced during the Sultanate period in India? How did those technological changes influence the Indian society?

The Sultanate period (1206-1526 CE) witnessed significant technological advancements in various fields, including agriculture, textile production, mi…

What are the main features of Vedic society and religion? Do you think some of the features are still prevailing in Indian society?

The Vedic period is generally defined as the period between 1500 and 500 BCE, during which the Vedas, the oldest surviving Hindu scriptures, were com…

Child cuddling is now being replaced by mobile phones. Discus its impact on the socialization of children.

Child cuddling is now being replaced by mobile phones in many societies. This is due to a number of factors, including: The increasing availability a…

Explain why suicide among young women is increasing in Indian society

Suicide among young women in Indian society is on the rise due to a number of complex and interrelated factors, including: Gender discrimination : Yo…

Do you think marriage as a sacrament is loosing its value in Modern India?

Marriage is one of the most important social institutions in India. It is a sacred union between two people and their families, and it is often seen …

Why is the South-West Monsoon called ‘Purvaiya’ (easterly) in Bhojpur Region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region?

The South-West Monsoon is called 'Purvaiya' (easterly) in the Bhojpur Region because the prevailing winds during the monsoon season blow from…

How are the fjords formed? Why do they constitute some of the most picturesque areas of the world?

Fjords are long, narrow inlets of the sea, typically with steep cliffs on either side. They are formed by glaciers, which carve deep U-shaped valleys…

Why is the world today confronted with a crisis of availability of and access to freshwater resources?

According to the United Nations, 2.3 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water, and 2.2 billion people lack access to safely…

Discuss the consequences of climate change on food security in tropical countries

Climate change is already having a significant impact on food security in tropical countries, and these impacts are expected to worsen in the coming …

Bring out the socio-economic effects of the introduction of railways in different countries of the world

The introduction of railways in different countries of the world had a profound impact on both society and the economy. Railways made it possible to …

What was the difference between Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore in their approach towards education and nationalism?

Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore were two of the most influential figures in Indian history. Both men were ardent nationalists, but they had di…

Explain the role of geographical factors towards the development of Ancient India

Geography played a significant role in the development of ancient India. The Indian subcontinent is a vast and diverse region with a variety of geogr…

The role of Cooperative societies play in promoting socio-economic development in India

Cooperative societies play a vital role in promoting socio-economic development in India. They provide access to credit, marketing support, employmen…

Explore and evaluate the impact of ‘Work from Home’ on family relationship.

The concept of ‘Work from Home’ has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many companies and employees opting for this option as a resu…

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