UPSC CSE Prelims Test Series

UPSC CSE 2025 Prelims Mentorship and Test Series

UPSC CSE 2025 Prelims Mentorship & Test Series  UPSC CSE 2025 Prelims Mentorship & Test Series Program   Prelims   2025   For UPSC Civil Serv…

Which one of the following is the correct description of 100 Million Farmers?

(a). It is a platform for accelerating the transition towards food and water systems that are net-zero (carbon), nature-positive and that aims to inc…

The organisms Cicada, Froghopper and Pond skater are:

(a). Birds (b). Fish (c). Insects (d). Reptiles  Explanation: Cicadas, froghoppers, and pond skaters are all insects. Therefore, the answer is (c).

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