UPSC CSE Current Affairs

India’s Bioeconomy – Potential, Initiatives, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

What is a Bioeconomy?   A bioeconomy refers to an economic system that leverages biological resources (plants, animals, microorganisms), processes, …

Birefringence: Harnessing Dual Refraction for Innovations in Optics, Medicine, and Material Science

Birefringence and Its Applications in Science and Technology   What is Birefringence?   Birefringence, also called double refraction , is an optical …

Deep-Sea Mining at a Crossroads: ISA Negotiations in Jamaica Confront Industry Deadlines and Environmental Imperatives

Negotiations on Deep-Sea Mining Code Begin Amid Rising Pressure Negotiations to finalize regulations for deep-sea mining in international waters ha…

Supreme Court Examines PIL Challenging Opaque CAG Appointment Process; Seeks Centre’s Response

The Supreme Court of India has directed the Central government to respond to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) questioning the lack of transparency…

Mudumal Megalithic Menhirs: Telangana’s Ancient Stones on the Path to UNESCO World Heritage Status

The Mudumal megalithic site in Telangana, India, renowned for its ancient menhirs, has recently been added to UNESCO’s tentative list of World Herita…

Debate Over National Education Policy (NEP), Linguistic Secularism, and Supreme Court Directives

National Education Policy (NEP) and Language Debate   The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has ignited discussions about India’s linguistic dive…

India’s ST Inclusion Debate: Outdated Criteria, Bureaucratic Hurdles, and the Call for Equitable Reform

C urrent Procedure, Criteria, and Challenges for Inclusion in India’s Scheduled Tribes (ST) List   Current Procedure The Government of India consider…

Mount Erebus and the underground ecosystem in Antarctica

Mount Erebus: Antarctica's Active Volcano 1. Location : Mount Erebus is situated on Ross Island in Antarctica , making it the southernmost activ…

Mycelium Bricks: The Future of Sustainable Construction

Mycelium Bricks: A Sustainable Building Material Mycelium bricks are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction materials, made by growi…

India’s Agricultural Exports: Trends, Initiatives, and Challenges

India’s agricultural exports have witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by increasing global demand for Indian farm produce and strate…

Rising Temperatures and Flood Risks in High Mountain Asia: A Call for Action

A recent press release by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) highlights the alarming increase in flood frequency a…

High Selenium in Wheat Linked to Hair Loss: ICMR Interim Report

A recent interim report by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has highlighted a concerning link between high selenium concentrations in wh…

First Private U.S. Spaceship Lands Upright on Moon: A Milestone in Lunar Exploration

In a historic achievement for space exploration, the first privately-built U.S. spacecraft successfully landed upright on the Moon. This milestone ma…

40% of Global Population Lacks Access to Education in Their Native Language: UNESCO Calls for Multilingual Learning Reforms

In a world increasingly connected by technology and globalization, access to education remains uneven, particularly for those who do not speak the do…

Amazon’s Quantum Leap: ‘Ocelot’ Chip Aims to Fast-Track Error-Free Quantum Computing

Amazon has unveiled “Ocelot” , a new quantum computing chip designed to accelerate the development of fault-tolerant quantum computers. Unlike tradit…

NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer: Mapping Moon Water to Fuel Future Human Exploration

NASA has launched the Lunar Trailblazer orbiter , a small satellite mission designed to detect and map water ice on the Moon. Part of NASA’s SIMPLEx …

From Guerrilla War to Geopolitical Flashpoint: The PKK's Fight and Turkey's Cross-Border Offensives

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish militant and political organization, has been engaged in a decades-long armed struggle against the Turk…

A rare and well-preserved petrified fossil has been discovered in Pakur, Jharkhand, India

Petrification, a fossilization process where organic material is replaced by minerals, has preserved the specimen’s intricate structure. This discove…


Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently attended *Jashn-e-Khusrau*, a cultural festival celebrating the legacy of the 13th-century poet, scholar, and S…

India's space economy from $8 billion to $44 billion

India's space economy is on the cusp of transformative growth, with projections estimating an increase from approximately $8 billion to $44 billi…
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