Deep-Sea Mining at a Crossroads: ISA Negotiations in Jamaica Confront Industry Deadlines and Environmental Imperatives

Negotiations on Deep-Sea Mining Code Begin Amid Rising Pressure Negotiations to finalize regulations for deep-sea mining in international waters ha…

Mudumal Megalithic Menhirs: Telangana’s Ancient Stones on the Path to UNESCO World Heritage Status

The Mudumal megalithic site in Telangana, India, renowned for its ancient menhirs, has recently been added to UNESCO’s tentative list of World Herita…

Mount Erebus and the underground ecosystem in Antarctica

Mount Erebus: Antarctica's Active Volcano 1. Location : Mount Erebus is situated on Ross Island in Antarctica , making it the southernmost activ…

Mycelium Bricks: The Future of Sustainable Construction

Mycelium Bricks: A Sustainable Building Material Mycelium bricks are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction materials, made by growi…

High Selenium in Wheat Linked to Hair Loss: ICMR Interim Report

A recent interim report by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has highlighted a concerning link between high selenium concentrations in wh…

40% of Global Population Lacks Access to Education in Their Native Language: UNESCO Calls for Multilingual Learning Reforms

In a world increasingly connected by technology and globalization, access to education remains uneven, particularly for those who do not speak the do…

The Cosmos Unveiled: Big Bang Theory, Galaxies, and the Life Cycle of Stars

The Universe: Big Bang Theory, Galaxies, and Stellar Evolution - Cosmos : Refers to the universe. - Cosmic Rays : High-energy particles traveling nea…

Understand Geography: Exploring Earth's Physical and Human Landscapes

Geography is a comprehensive field that studies the Earth's physical features and the human activities that shape and are shaped by these feature…

Amazon’s Quantum Leap: ‘Ocelot’ Chip Aims to Fast-Track Error-Free Quantum Computing

Amazon has unveiled “Ocelot” , a new quantum computing chip designed to accelerate the development of fault-tolerant quantum computers. Unlike tradit…

NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer: Mapping Moon Water to Fuel Future Human Exploration

NASA has launched the Lunar Trailblazer orbiter , a small satellite mission designed to detect and map water ice on the Moon. Part of NASA’s SIMPLEx …

From Guerrilla War to Geopolitical Flashpoint: The PKK's Fight and Turkey's Cross-Border Offensives

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish militant and political organization, has been engaged in a decades-long armed struggle against the Turk…

India's space economy from $8 billion to $44 billion

India's space economy is on the cusp of transformative growth, with projections estimating an increase from approximately $8 billion to $44 billi…

Discovery of a 900-Year-Old Chalukya Inscription in Telangana

Kalyana Chalukya-Era Inscription at Gangapuram   A 900-year-old inscription from the Kalyana Chalukya (Western Chalukya) period was discovered in a s…

FEWS NET and USAID's Withdrawal in Kenya

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), established by USAID, is a critical initiative designed to predict and mitigate food insecurity …

Judicial Review in India and the United States: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Guardianship

⚖️ Judicial Review in India and the United States: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Guardianship The comparative analysis of judicial re…

Bharat Ratna Award recipients from 1954 to 2024

The Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian award in India, given for exceptional service towards the advancement of Art, Literature and Science, and in…
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