Space Technology

First Private U.S. Spaceship Lands Upright on Moon: A Milestone in Lunar Exploration

In a historic achievement for space exploration, the first privately-built U.S. spacecraft successfully landed upright on the Moon. This milestone ma…

NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer: Mapping Moon Water to Fuel Future Human Exploration

NASA has launched the Lunar Trailblazer orbiter , a small satellite mission designed to detect and map water ice on the Moon. Part of NASA’s SIMPLEx …

India's space economy from $8 billion to $44 billion

India's space economy is on the cusp of transformative growth, with projections estimating an increase from approximately $8 billion to $44 billi…

Agnibaan SOrTeD

It’s the first rocket launch from India’s first and only private launchpad within the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC-SHAR)1. It features the world’…
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