Social Justice

Constitution of India and Social Justice

Indian Constitution, the cornerstone of the nation was intended to promote social transformation - Granville Austin.  The constitution of India is ai…

Justice vs. Social Justice

In dealing with the concept of social-justice, it becomes essential to differentiate between the traditional idea of 'justice' and modern ide…

What is the “Capabilities Approach” of Social Justice?

Securing the highest possible development of the capabilities of all members of the society may be called social justice. Professor Amartya Sen is th…

Social Justice in Indian Political System

The scheme of social Justice is very well incorporated in the various provisions of the   Indian Constitution.  The Preamble of the Constitution incl…

How did the concept of social justice originate?

The concept of social justice emerged out of a process of evolution of social norms, order, law and morality. It laid emphasis upon the just action a…

Historical Underpinnings of Social Justice

The concept of Social Justice first surfaced in Western thought and political language in the wake of the industrial revolution and the parallel deve…

Important Supreme Court Cases and Rulings

DS Nakara vs. Union of India  Principle aim of a socialist state is to eliminate inequality in income, status and standards of life.   In PUDR vs. Un…

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