Prelims CSAT PYQs Analysis

In some code, letters P, Q, R, S, T represent numbers 4, 5, 10, 12, 15. It is not known which letter represents which number. If Q-S = 2S and T = R+S+3, then what is the value of P+R-T?

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) Cannot be determined due to insufficient data Let's solve the problem step by step: Given: Letters 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅, 𝑆, 𝑇 repre…

Raj has ten pairs of red, nine pairs of white and eight pairs of black shoes in a box. If he randomly picks shoes one by one (without replacement) from the box to get a red pair of shoes to wear, what is the maximum number of attempts he has to make?

(a) 27    (b) 36 (c) 44  (d) 45 Raj has 10 pairs of red shoes, 9 pairs of white shoes, and 8 pairs of black shoes. In total, he has: - 20 red shoes -…

UPSC CSE Prelims CSAT Reading Comprehension PYQs Analysis

Reading Comprehension 1. Water Conflicts in India  Main Idea: Disputes between Indian states regarding river water distribution. 2. Anaemia in Worki…

Vocabulary terms related to reading comprehension

General Terms Valid: Well-founded, reasonable, justified. Assumptions: Things accepted as true without proof. Rational: Based on reason, logic, and s…

UPSC CSE Prelims CSAT Comprehension Analysis

Comprehension Questions Data Types of Comprehension Questions 2023 2022 …

Most repeated ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY Question's theme for UPSC CSE Prelims

BASICS OF ECOLOGY AND ECOSYSTEM  Basic Terms: Function of Ecosystem, levels of organism, categories, components, and features of environment, biotic …

UPSC CSE 2020 Paper 2 CSAT Q9 Solution

Comprehension Questions Analysis: UPSC CSE Prelims Paper-2 (CSAT)

UPSC CSE Prelims Paper-2 (CSAT)  Comprehension Questions Analysis   2011 - 2022

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