
Which of the following statements are correct in respect of a Money Bill in the Parliament?

Article 109 mentions special procedure in respect of Money Bills.  A Money Bill shall not be introduced in the Council of States. The Rajya Sabha can…

Which of the above countries are frequently mentioned in the media for their low birth rates, or ageing population or declining population?

Consider the following countries :  1. Italy  2. Japan  3. Nigeria  4. South Korea  5. South Africa Which of the above countries are frequently ment…

As per Article 368 of the Constitution of India, the Parliament may amend any provision of the Constitution by way of:

1. Addition  2. Variation  3. Repeal  Select the correct answer using the code given below:  (a). 1 and 2 only  (b). 2 and 3 only  (c). 1 and 3 only…

Consider the following properties included in the World Heritage List released by UNESCO

1. Shantiniketan 2. Rani-ki-Vav 3. Sacred Ensembles of the Hoysalas 4. Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodhgaya  How many of the above properties were in…

Sanghabhuti, an Indian Buddhist monk, who travelled to China at the end of the fourth century AD, was the author of a commentary on:

(a). Prajnaparamita Sutra (b). Visuddhimagga (c). Sarvastivada Vinaya (d). Lalitavistara Explanation:  Prajnaparamita Sutra: While there are many com…

Which one of the following is a work attributed to playwright Bhasa?

(a). Kavyalankara  (b). Natyashastra  (c). Madhyama-vyayoga  (d). Mahabhashya Explanation:  Madhyama-vyayoga is a Sanskrit play attributed to the an…

With reference to the Government of India Act, 1935, consider the following statements:

1. It provided for the establishment of an All India Federation based on the union of the British Indian Provinces and Princely States. 2. Defence an…

Which one of the following statements is correct as per the Constitution of India?

(a). Inter-State trade and commerce is a State subject under the State List.  (b). Inter-State migration is a State subject under the State List.  (…

Which of the following statements are correct about the Constitution of India?

1. Powers of the Municipalities are given in Part IX A of the Constitution. 2. Emergency provisions are given in Part XVIII of the Constitution. 3. P…

Consider the following pairs

Party                                                   Its Leader  1. Bharatiya Jana Sangh     -     Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee  2. Socialist Part…


Q1. How many Delimitation Commissions have been constituted by the Government of India till December 2023?  A. One  B. Two  C. Three  D. Four Answe…

UPSC CSE 2024 Prelims Admit Card Download

UPSC CSE Prelims 2024 Download Admit Card🔗 - link 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Instructions - link   Scribe Instructions - link   For technical issues - li…

UPSC CSE Prelims - Number of Questions attempting strategy

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UPSC CSE Prelims PYQs: Indian's Struggle for Independence

Indian's Struggle for Independence Prelims PYQs 2011  Q1. With reference to Indian freedom struggle, Usha Mehta is well-known for A. Running the …

UPSC CSE Prelims Official Question Papers

🔥UPSC CSE Prelims Official Question Papers (10 Years) @WritiyIAS 2023 General Studies - I…

UPSC CSE 2023 PRELIMS Cutoff Trend Analysis

UPSC CSE 2023 PRELIMS Cutoff Trend Analysis

Ancient History PYQs UPSC CSE 2023 part-1

Consider the following pairs :  Site Well known for 1. Besnagar Shaivite   <------->   cave shrine 2. Bhaja Buddhist    <--------->    ca…

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