
संघर्ष ही सफलता की कुंजी है : Motivation For UPSC CSE

एक शांत जंगल में, 🌳 मिट्टी के नीचे एक छोटा सा बीज 🌱 दबा हुआ था। वह बीज अंधेरे में घिरा हुआ था और अक्सर निराश महसूस करता था, यह सोचते हुए कि क…

Never Give Up! - UPSC CSE @ WritiyIAS

Some examples of UPSC CSE toppers who considered their multiple failures as blessings in disguise, never gave up, and continued to work very hard. An…

10 General Principles for Success

Ten general principles for success: 1. Set Clear Goals: Define specific, achievable objectives to guide your actions and efforts. 2. Continuous Learn…
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