
Mastering Modern History for UPSC CSE

Building a Strong Foundation  Spectrum's Modern India: This comprehensive book serves as a primary source for both prelims and mains preparation.…

Modern Indian History - Chronology of Uprisings

Chronology of Uprisings Attingal Revolt - 1721 Sanyasi Revolt or Fakir uprising (1763-1800) – 1760s Chakma rebellion in Chittagong (1777-87)  Pahariy…


Organization Founded in Founders About Landholders Society 1837 first political org. of Modern India at Bengal province only. Dwarka Nath Tagore to p…

Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Born in 1824 in Tankara, Gujarat, his original name was Mool Shankar. His parents, Karshanji Lalji Tiwari and Yashodabai, belonged to a Brahmin famil…

History of India from 1700 to 1947

Year Incident 1611 East India Company (EIC) establishes a factory in Masulipatnam   (modern Andhra Prade…

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