
From Guerrilla War to Geopolitical Flashpoint: The PKK's Fight and Turkey's Cross-Border Offensives

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish militant and political organization, has been engaged in a decades-long armed struggle against the Turk…

Discuss the significance of "West Asia Quad" in the light of India's "Look West" policy

The "West Asia Quad" holds significant promise for India's "Look West" policy. Let's delve into its importance in the con…

What are the challenges and limitations in India-Iran relations?

India-Iran relations have indeed faced several challenges over the years.  International Sanctions and Trade Constraint    - Iran has been subject to…

The Russia-Ukraine crisis

The Russia-Ukraine crisis indeed has significant implications for the energy needs of European Union (EU) member states. Let's delve into some k…

How does the regime change and political crisis in Bangladesh threaten regional security and peace for India?

The regime change and political crisis in Bangladesh have implications for regional security and peace, particularly concerning India. Here are some …

Which of the above countries are frequently mentioned in the media for their low birth rates, or ageing population or declining population?

Consider the following countries :  1. Italy  2. Japan  3. Nigeria  4. South Korea  5. South Africa Which of the above countries are frequently ment…

The BRICS countries: The world's most important emerging economies

The 15th BRICS summit is set to take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, on August 22-24, 2023. This year's summit will be particularly signific…

An important step in the ongoing efforts to stabilize relations between India and China

The recent meeting between National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and top Chinese diplomat and Politburo member Wang Yi in Johannesburg, South Africa, …

Debt Trap Diplomacy

Diplomacy is a tool of conducting Nation's foreign policy without compromising it's fundamental principle. When debts are being used by a cou…
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