
Judicial Review in India and the United States: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Guardianship

⚖️ Judicial Review in India and the United States: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Guardianship The comparative analysis of judicial re…



Centre-State Relations: A Complex Tapestry

The Indian Constitution, while establishing a federal structure, has a distinct unitary bias, leading to recurrent tensions between the Centre and th…

A Delicate Balance: The Amendment Procedure of the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution, a testament to the nation's democratic aspirations, provides a well-defined procedure for its amendment. This process, …

A Unique Blend: Federal and Unitary Features of the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution presents a fascinating blend of federal and unitary features. This unique arrangement, often referred to as "cooperative…

The 42nd Amendment: A Significant Addition to the Preamble

The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976, a landmark piece of legislation, brought about substantial changes to the Indian Constitution. One of the most signif…

Freedom of Speech and Expression: A Double-Edged Sword

Freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental human right that allows individuals to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without fear…

The Doctrine of Basic Structure

The doctrine of basic structure is a judicial innovation introduced by the Supreme Court of India in the landmark case of Kesavananda Bharati v. Stat…

The Indian Constitution: A Transformation, Not a Mere Amendment

The Government of India Act 1935, a colonial legislation, laid the groundwork for India's administrative structure, including a federal system, b…

With reference to revenue collection by Cornwallis, consider the following statements:

1. Under the Ryotwari Settlement of revenue collection, the peasants were exempted from revenue payment in case of bad harvests or natural calamitie…

As per Article 368 of the Constitution of India, the Parliament may amend any provision of the Constitution by way of:

1. Addition  2. Variation  3. Repeal  Select the correct answer using the code given below:  (a). 1 and 2 only  (b). 2 and 3 only  (c). 1 and 3 only…

Which of the following statements about the Ethics Committee in the Lok Sabha are correct?

1. Initially it was an ad-hoc Committee. 2. Only a Member of the Lok Sabha can make a complaint relating to unethical conduct of a member of the Lok …

What are the duties of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) as Head of the Department of Military Affairs?

1. Permanent Chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee  2. Exercise military command over the three Service Chiefs  3. Principal Military Advisor to De…

Under which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India, has the Supreme Court of India placed the Right to Privacy?

(a). Article 15  (b). Article 16  (c). Article 19  (d). Article 21 The Right to Privacy in India is found under Article 21. In 2017, a landmark Supr…

UPSC CSE Prelims 2024 all POLITY Questions

Q1. How many Delimitation Commissions have been constituted by the Government of India till December 2023? (a) One (b) Two (c) Three  (d) Four Q2. T…

Important Polity topics for UPSC CSE 2024

Important Polity topics for UPSC CSE 2024 1. Acts (1773-1947)    - Regulating Act 1773: First step towards central administration in India, establis…

Important Judgements of Supreme Court - UPSC CSE Notes

A K Gopalan vs. State of Madras (1950) Narrow interpretation of Article 21 The Supreme Court has taken a narrow interpretation of Article 21. It held…
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