Indian Polity Short Notes

Polity Prelims 2024 Notes 1

Rule of Law    - Clear and positive laws, equality before the law, and transparency are essential.    - Gender equality and the right to participate …

Features of Indian Constitution

✏️ FEATURES OF BASIC STRUCTURE 🔶 Supremacy of the Constitution 🔶 Sovereign, democratic and republican nature of the Indian polity  🔶Secular char…

What is a government and it's types?

A government is the system or group of people that manages a country or state. It's the entity responsible for creating and enforcing laws, maint…

Landmark Supreme Court Judgments (1950 – 2024)

Romesh Thappar vs State of Madras (1950) Freedom of speech  It held that liberty of the press is an essential part of the right to freedom of speech …

Polity Notes - 16

Inter-state water disputes: Article 262 of the Constitution provides for the adjudication of inter-state water disputes. Only Parliament is authoriz…

Polity Notes - 15

Types of Federalism on the basis on interaction Asymmetric federalism Power is not equally divided between central and its federating units. Thus, ea…

भारतीय संविधान से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उतर

1. संविधान सभा की पहली बैठक कब हुई थी-9 दिसंबर1946 2. आंध्र प्रदेश राज्य का गठन किस वर्ष किया गया-1953 3. मतदाता दिवस कब मनाया जाता है-25 जनवरी संविध…

Polity Notes - 14

Types of Government: Unitary - Unitary government is one in which all the powers are vested in the national government and the regional governments, …

Polity Notes - 13

Schedule Areas and UTs Constitution envisages a special system of administration for certain areas designated as ‘scheduled areas’ and ‘tribal areas’…

Role of Government in Health

Healthcare in India Health means our ability to remain free of illness and injuries. India has a large number of doctors, clinics, and hospitals. The…

Indian Federalism

In a federal model, the national government is known as the Federal government or the Central government or the Union government. Federal polity= dif…

NITI Aayog

On January 1, 2015, the NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) was established as the successor to the planning commission. Neither…

Urban Local Bodies

Urban government was constitutionalised through the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992. Power and fucnction of Urban Local Bodies are decided…

PESA 1996

Extension of PRI to Scheduled Areas. Provisions of 73rd do not apply to 5th schedule areas. Like Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya. Parliament is empowere…

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