
Important keywords for UPSC CSE GS-4

SOCIAL ISSUES 1. Moral ambivalence 2. Mob action 3. Social exclusion 4. Social menace 5. Pressure groups, Media, Society, NGOs 6. Peace & Harmony…

Determinants and Consequences of Ethics

Determinants of ethics Determination of what is right or wrong behavior is not an easy task. There is no ethical principle which is eternal and univ…

Essence of Ethics

What is ethics?  Ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives.  Ethics is concerned with what i…

UPSC CSE 2023 Mains GS-4 Questions

SECTION A  Q1 . ( a ) भारत में कॉर्पोरेट शासन के संदर्भ में नैतिक ईमानदारी' और 'पेशेवर दक्षता' से आप क्या समझते हैं ? उपयुक्त उदाहरण देक…

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