Cyclone Impact and Human Trafficking in West Bengal

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Climate change, through frequent cyclones and rising sea levels, is contributing to poverty and increasing vulnerability to human trafficking in regions like the Sundarbans in West Bengal.

There is a growing need to integrate climate change factors into anti-trafficking strategies to develop more effective interventions, as highlighted by NGO leaders and survivors' federations like ILFAT.

Survivors and organizations emphasize the importance of schools in fostering community awareness and prevention education against trafficking, and advocate for stronger policy interventions and disaster relief efforts.

Cyclone Impact and Human Trafficking in West Bengal

Frequent cyclones have severely impacted the West Bengal coastline, causing significant loss of livelihoods and prompting migration. Cyclone Amphan in May 2020 and other subsequent cyclones have exacerbated poverty, making regions like the Sundarbans more vulnerable to human trafficking. Experts and NGOs like Goranbose Gram Bikash Kendra highlight that climate change contributes to the socio-economic vulnerabilities exploited by traffickers. According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau, West Bengal witnessed a significant number of missing people and human trafficking cases in 2022, predominantly affecting women and children. ILFAT, a federation of trafficking survivors, emphasizes the need to integrate climate change considerations in anti-trafficking strategies.

Efforts to Combat Trafficking and Build Resilience

Organizations such as the Katakhali Empowerment Youth Association and ILFAT are actively working to combat trafficking by focusing on community awareness and policy interventions. They support trafficking survivors and emphasize the integration of trafficking prevention and climate change resilience into educational curriculums. The story of Neha, a trafficking survivor, highlights the role of climate-induced poverty in her experience, underscoring the necessity for improved disaster relief and stricter anti-trafficking laws. Through their collective efforts, stakeholders aim at reducing trafficking risks and enhancing community resilience against climate impacts in West Bengal.

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