How many of the above have poisonous species among them?

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Consider the following:

1. Butterflies

2. Fish

3. Frogs

How many of the above have poisonous species among them?

(a). Only one

(b). Only two

(c). All three

(d). None


All three categories have poisonous species:

     Butterflies: Some species, like Monarch butterflies, have toxic wings with bright colors to warn predators.

     Fish: Over 1,000 species are poisonous, including lionfish, stingrays, stone fish, and catfish. The Reef Stonefish is considered the most venomous.

     Frogs: Poison dart frogs are among the most toxic species on Earth, with bright colors to warn predators. The Golden Poison Frog is the most poisonous.

Poison dart frogs get their toxins from their diet, which includes ants, mites, and centipedes. They are also known as poison arrow frogs because Native American tribes used their secretions to poison blowgun darts

So, The correct answer is (c): All three

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