Consider the following information : Region - Name of the mountain range - Type of mountain

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Consider the following information :

Region                 Name of the mountain range              Type of mountain

1. Central Asia                  Vosges                                        Fold mountain

2. Europe                           Alps                                        Block mountain

3. North America           Appalachians                             Fold mountain

4. South America             Andes                                       Fold mountain

In how many of the above rows is the given information correctly matched?

(a). Only one

(b). Only two

(c). Only three

(d). All four 


The Vosges are actually located in Europe and are classified as block mountains.

The Alps are one of the youngest fold mountains with jagged relief.

The Appalachians are indeed folded mountains.

The Andes are also folded mountains.

Therefore, the answer is (b). Only two

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