Modern Indian History - Chronology of Uprisings

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Chronology of Uprisings

Attingal Revolt - 1721

Sanyasi Revolt or Fakir uprising (1763-1800) – 1760s

Chakma rebellion in Chittagong (1777-87) 

Pahariyas rebellion (1778)

Chaur Uprising or Revolt of Jungle Mahal (1766-1816)

Revolt of Dundia in Bednur (Karnataka) (1799-1800)

Civil Rebellion at Awadh - 1799

Resistance of Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja (1800-05)

Poligar revolt (1795-1805)

First phase – 1795-99

Second phase – 1801

Third phase – 1803-05

Vellore Mutiny (1806)

Chaur Uprising or Revolt of Jungle Mahal (1766-1816)

Diwani Velu Thampi – 1808-09

Kuruchiya revolt – 1812 – Wayanad and Kannur of Kerala

Paika rebellion – 1817

Ramosi Rebllion under Chittur Singh – 1822-29

Kittur uprising by Rani Channama (1824)

Ahom Revolt – 1828

Wahabi Movement (1820 – 1870s) – Religious movement

Narkelberia Uprising or Titu Mir’s movement – 1820s and 1830s

Ho and Munda uprising (1820-1837)

Pagal Panthis – 1825-35

Kol mutiny (1831)

Khasi uprising (1830s)

Khond uprisings (1837-1856)

Faraizi Revolt – 1838-1857

Moplah uprising – 1836-1854

Koya revolt or Rampa Rebellion – 1839-48

Kuka Movement or Namdhari mpvement – Founded in 1840

Santhal Rebellion (1855-56)

Indigo Revolt – 1859-60

Pabna Agrarian Leagues – 1872-85

Deccan Riots – 1875-79

First Rampa Rebellion – 1879

Ramosi rebellion under Vasudev Balwant Phadke - 1879

Deoband School (1886) – religious movement 

Ahmadiyya Movement (1889-) – religious movement

Patharughat uprising (1894) – Assam

Increased land tax levied by the British

Ulgulan: (1899-1900)

Kukis revolt (1917-19)

Kisan Sabha Movement (1918-21)

Mapilah Revolt - 1921

Eka movement - 1922

Khond rebellion – 1914

Mapila revolt (1921)

Rampa Rebellion (1922-24)

Bardoli Satyagraha – 1928

All India Kisan Sabha – 1936

Komaram Bheem of Gonds – 1930s against Nizam 

Warli Revolt – 1945

Tebhaga movement – 1946

Telangana movement – 1946-48

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