Ancient History Notes-8 UPSC CSE

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Harshvardhan (606-647 AD)

After the downfall of the Gupta Empire in the middle of the 6th century, North India was split into several independent kingdoms.

Harsha (590–647 CE), also known as Harshavardhana, was an Indian emperor who ruled North India from 606 to 647 CE.

He was a member of the Vardhana dynasty (Pushyabhuti dynasty).

Pushyabhuti dynasty foiled attack of Hunas over Indian subcontinent.

The Chinese traveler Xuanzang (Hiuen Tsang) visited the court of Harsha in 631 AD and stayed for eight years and wrote a very favourable account of him, praising his justice and generosity.

About Harsha ascent to throne:

He became King at the age of 16 with are sponsibility of avenging his Brother in law and real Brother assassinations.

His first act was to save his sister who was about to commit sati. Thereafter he waged a war against Shashanka and defeated him convincingly.

Harsha administration:

He made kannauj (Kanyakubja its old name) his capital. (Reasons why Kannauj replaced Magadha as centre of power shall be discussed in class)

Like Kshatraps in Kushan rulers, in Harsha empire ‘samanta’ system was practiced.

‘Mahasamantas,’ paid tribute to Harshavardhana and also helped him by supplying military reinforcements.

He also maintained cordial relations with the Chinese. He even sent an Indian mission to China, establishing a diplomatic relationship between India and China.

Generally, Harsha was efficient ruler and subjects lived comfortable life.

There was no slavery in his empire.


He was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and his subjects described him as ‘Parama-Maheshvara’ (supreme devotee of Lord Shiva).

He also wrote Nagananda in praise of Shiva and Parvati. 

Harsha converted himself into Buddhism under the influence of his sister Rajyeshree and Heun Tsang.

He started a religious ritual of 21 days in Kannauj in honor of Lord buddha, in this festival prayers used to be organized in front of life size statue of Buddha made of gold.

He also wrote three plays in Sanskrit name Nagananda, Ratnavali and Priyadarshika.

Important personalities in Harsha’s court:

1. Banbhatta: wrote Harshacharita (biography of Harsha) and Kadambari.

2. Hiuen-Tsang a Chinese pilgrim visited Harsha’s court, wrote the book ‘Shi-Yu-Ki’.

Historical account of Hiun-Tsang about Harsha Kingdom:

Hiuen-Tsang studied at Nalanda.

Harsha was praised as an ideal administrator.

Strict punishment norms were there in his kingdom.

Despite strict penal laws, highways were not safe for travel and Hiuen Tsang himself was robbed by Highway robbers.

Harsha used to organize Mahamoksha Parishad at Prayag after every five years where he donated wealth to poor and destitute.

Decline of Harsha empire:

The defeat of Harshavardhana by the Chalukya king Pulakesin II in 637AD is mentioned on the Aihole inscription (Karnataka).

He was the first North Indian king to be defeated by South Indian King.

This is also the only defeat that Harsha had to face throughout his life.

He did not have any heirs (his two sons were killed by his ministers) his empire collapsed and disintegrated rapidly into small states.

The demise of King Harshavardhana in 647 AD. marked the end of the mighty Vardhana dynasty.

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