Geography Important Questions for UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

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  • • Big Bang Theory and Evidences: Red shift, Blue shift, Solar Flares, Cosmic microwave background
  • • Asteroids, comets, meteors, Dwarf Planet.
  • • Earth's revolution, rotation & it's axis, Solstices, Equinox, Variation in length of day & night, seasons & 
  • solar system. 
  • • Geomagnetism and Geomagnetic reversal,
  • • CHON (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen & Nitrogen)

  • • Terms in News: Green Comet
  • • Geomagnetic Storms
  • • Sunspots and ‘splitting dent’ 
  • • Iceland’s earthquakes.

  • • Structure/Physiography: 
    • - Geographical extent of various Physiographic regions
    • - Himalayas-Formation, Syntaxial bends, Major Ranges and divisions, Himalayan Passes
    • - Indian Islands, Indian Plains

  • • Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
  • • Physiographic Mapping
  • • Western Ghat Passes
  • • Deserts and Islands in India

  • • Atmosphere and Atmospheric Circulation: 
    • - Layers of the atmosphere and Composition, Coriolis force, ITCZ, Horse latitudes, sub-tropical high 
    • pressure belt, cyclones, North west monsoon (winter rains), Jet streams.
    • - Temperature inversion (Ground and Valley Inversion), temperature distribution-over land & sea, 
    • - Satellites and other space junk polluting the stratosphere.
  • • Water in Atmosphere and Oceans: 
    • - Clouds, Humidity concepts, dew, mist Fog.
    • - Freshwater (ice caps, glaciers, etc.) on earth's surface, Ocean mean temperature, Isotherms
  • • Climatic Regions: Tropical/temperate/Equatorial forests (rain & deciduous & dry forests), Grasslands (Savannah, steppe, prairie), Ecological succession
  • • Climate: Monsoon, El Nino, La Nina, MJO, Temperature zones
  • • Ozone hole and Antarctica linkage.
  • • Western disturbances and SW Monsoon trough merge in NW India- Himachal Floods 
  • • Jet streams
  • • Water Vapour sent into Stratosphere during Tonga Eruption.
  • • Clouds-lower clouds & higher clouds properties
  • • water presence in various forms
  • • Characteristics of Various forests in relation to national parks
  • • Triple dip La Nina, 
  • • Indian Ocean Dipole
  • • Water in Oceans

    • - Freshwater (ice caps, glaciers, etc.) on earth's surface, Ocean mean temperature, Isotherms
  • • Movement in Oceans

    • - Ocean currents-Cold/Warm.
    • - Equatorial counter current, convergence of equatorial currents.
    • - Upwelling and downwelling zones in ocean. 
    • - Impacts (fishing grounds, desertification etc.)
  • • Types of Coral reefs
  • • Factors influencing the movement of ocean currents
  • • Surface currents and Deep water currents.
  • • Thermohaline Circulations (IPCC report Findings)
  • • Tides
  • • Oceanic Land forms
  • • Ocean Acidification and Coral Bleaching
  • • Volcano Characteristics 
  • • Plate tectonics 
  • • Pacific Ring of Fire
  • • Earthquake Measurements 
  • • P waves and S waves and their Propagation
  • • Volcanic Landforms (Intrusive/Extrusive)
  • • Types of Rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)
  • • Types of Interaction and the associated Landforms
  • • Himalayan & Peninsular Rivers: Types, pattern and paths; Godavari, Brahmaputra
  • • Lakes: Fresh water and Salt Water and Its Importance
  • • Climate: Temperature zones; Monsoon-El Nino, La Nina, MJO
  • • Types of Natural Vegetation: Tropical, evergreen, deciduous, moist/wet
  • • Soils: Salinization, Various Soils in India-Laterite, Alluvial, black, Terrace farming
  • • Rivers & Lakes: 
    • - Krishna, Ganga, Kaveri, Mahanadi & Major National Parks on these rivers
    • - Himalayan Lakes, newly added Ramsar Wetlands
  • • Climate: Triple dip La Nina, Indian Ocean Dipole
  • • Natural vegetation: Himalayan Vegetation, Tropical, Arid and the Biogeographic Linkage
  • • Soil
    • - Processes in Soil: Podsolization, Laterization, chernozem.
    • - Soil Characteristics

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