India After Independence - Short NOTES for UPSC CSE

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Challenges after Independence 

  1. Challenges of Nation building -> Unity
  2. Establishing Democracy-> Practices
  3. Economic growth and poverty eradication

Challenges of Nation Building

  • Partition
  • Integration of Princely State
  • Internal Reorganisation


  • Principal of Religious Majority
  • Problem
    • No single area with Majority -> East and West
    • Not all Muslim Majority area wants to be in Pakistan -> Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan-> NWFP-> “ Frontier Gandhi"
    • Bengal and Punjab had non-Muslim majority area -> partition at district level
    • Minorities
  • Consequence of Partition
    • Migration , Violence
  • Gandhiji's Role
    • No Participation in independence celebration
    • In Kolkata -> maintaining Communal harmony -> keeping fast
    • Situation improved

Integration of Princely States

  • British India
    • British Indian Provinces
    • Princely States
  • Princely states -> If accept British Supremacy -> control over internal affairs -> British Paramountcy or Suzerainty
  • 1/3rd Land and 25% population
  • As the British Paramountcy Lapsed -> Problems
  • First Travancore announced Independence -> next day Nizam of Hyderabad
  • Nawab of Bhopal-> Not join CA
  • Sardar Patel -> Deputy PM , HM , Key role in integration
  • Approach -> Give autonomy to integrate
  • Signed Instrument of accession
  • Difficult Cases -> Hyderabad , Manipur , Junagarh and Kashmir
  • Junagarh -> Plebiscite
  • Hyderabad
    • Nizam wanted independence
    • Standstill agreement in 1947
    • People movement started
    • Peasant movement in Telangana
    • Communist and Congress in Front
    • Paramilitary troops -> Razakars -> Atrocities
    • Army action
  • Manipur
    • Maharaja of Manipur , Bodh Chandra Singh signed IoA before independence on assurance of Autonomy
    • June 1948 election -> Manipur was the first to conduct -> UAF -> Constitutional Monarchy
    • Merger agreement signed in sept 1949 , without the consent of legislative assembly

Reorganisation of States

  • Under British -> either administrative convenience or just coincided with territory they occupied
  • But for Indians , it is the matter of Culture and plurality
  • Nagpur session 1920 -> Congress organised on linguistic lines -> provincial congress committees
  • Nehru Report -> linguistic State
  • But after independence -> Experience of partition -> focus on Unity
  • First protest begun in Madras -> Telugu speaking people demanded separate state -> Visal Andhra movement
  • Potti Sriramalu -> Congress leader and Veteran Gandhian -> Died after 56 day fast -> Protest intensified
  • Dec 1952 -> Andhra was given
  • Committees
    • June 1948 -> SK Dhar Commission -> administrative rather than Linguistic
    • JVP Committee ( Nehru , Vallabh Bhai Patel , Pattabhi Staramayya ) -> Rejected language
    • December 1953 -> Fazal Ali Commission -> K M Punekar and H N Kanzu
      • Accepted language as factor -> but rejected One language one state principal
      • 4 factors
        • Unity & Integrity
        • Linguistic and Cultural Homogeneity
        • Financial , economic and administrative
        • Planning and promotion of welfare of people
  • State reorganisation act 1956 and 7th CAA -> 14 states and 6 UT
  • See how further states evolved from Laxmi
  • Democratic way Indian choose to handle linguistic aspiration -> maintained Unity -> Contrast with Sri Lanka and Pakistan

Challenge of Building Democracy

  • Newly independent countries choose non-democratic ways -> Because democracy might bring conflict
  • Indian leaders -> choose Democracy
  • Interim govt at the time of adopting constitution -> need election machinery
  • January 1950 -> Election Commission established -> Sukumar Sen ( 1st CEC)
  • Even No voting rights to Women in Some European countries and India going for UAF -> Many countries thought India will fail
  • First election -> October 1951 to Feb. 1952 ( 1952 election )
  • Avg 4 candidate per seat
  • More than 50 pc Voter turnout -> successful
  • Congress dominance in first 3 general elections
  • 52, 57 , 62 ( at centre as well as state )
  • CPI
    • Supported Britisher in 2nd WW
    • largest opposition in First election ( 16 seats)
    • A. K. Gopalan, S.A. Dange, E.M.S. Namboodiripad, P.C. Joshi, Ajay Ghosh and P. Sundarraya were among the notable leaders of the CPI.
    • NC in J&K
    • First defeat in Kerala in 1957 -> Communist party formed govt at state level ->removed in 1959 under 356
  • Congress socialist Party
    • 1934 as part of Congress
    • But separate in 1948 -> no dual membership allowed
    • 1955 -> Congress declared its goal as socialist pattern of society -> existential
    • Ram Manohar Lohiya ,Acharya Narendra Dev , JP Narayana , Ashok Mehta , Achyut Patwardhan
  • Reason for Congress dominance
    • Legacy of National Movement
    • Rainbow like Coalition -> factions within -> Social and ideological coalition -> Congress system
  • Bhartiya Jan Sangh
    • Formed in 1951
    • SPM-> Founder president
    • DDU-> Founder
  • Swatantra Party
    • C Raj Gopalachari , KM Munshi , NG Ranga , Minoo Masani
    • Established in 1959
    • Supported private sector
    • Against dominance of Public sector and state intervention and Socialist policies

Challenge of Economic Growth and Poverty Eradication

● Biggest Challenge -> Growth Vs Development -> Both are important

● Development = Growth + Social Justice

● Social justice = equal opportunity …..Rights ….etc

● Why adopted Planning approach

○ Private sector do not have any capital to invest

○ Idea of Social justice

○ Great Depression of 1930ʼs in Liberal economies

○ Economic growth of Soviet Union

○ Bombay Plan by Private industrialist in 1944 , in favour of planned economy

● March 1950 PC Established with Executive resolution -> Now replaced by NITI

● Five year plan -> govt will decide long term priority -> Plan vs non plan budget

● December 1951 -> 1st FYP -> 1956 ( 2nd )-> 1961( 3rd ) -> 66,67,68 ( 3 plan holiday ) -> 69

(4th) ….1989-91( no plan) ….92-97( 8th FYP) …..12th FYP (2012-17)

● Indian Economic development ( Class 11th NCERT )-> At last look at the topics ->

Chapter 2 on planning

● 1st FYP

○ Focus on Agriculture

○ Big dam project -> Bhakra Nangal

○ Land reforms -> Land distribution limits Agriculture Productivity

○ Economist K.N Raj

● 2nd FYP

○ 1955-> Avadi session of Congress -> Socialist pattern as aim

Import Substitution -> Increasing import tariff

○ Focus on Heavy industry -> Steel , electricity , machinery

○ Industrialisation

○ P.C Mahalanobis

○ Food shortage and technological shortage

○ 3rd Plan was similar

○ Share for agriculture declined

● Economic -> Land Reform and Green Revolution

Land Reforms :

● History

○ Stagnated Agriculture due to Faulty British Policies

■ Eg Zamindari System -> High rent -> Landlord culture -> no incentive to

invest in Land

● Aer independence , Land Reform was started with Major Goal as

○ Poverty Eradication

○ Improve agriculture productivity

○ Redistribute land to promote social Justice

● 4 Types of Land reform at that time

○ Abolition of Zamindari

■ Laws were passed to abolished Zamindari

■ Laws were Challenged in Court

To give immunity to these laws , 1st CAA in 1951 was passed

■ 31(B) and 9th Schedule act -> Immunity from Judicial Review ( Both

Central and State laws )

■ 2007 -> IR Coelho Case -> no immunity aer 24 April 1973

■ Judicial review is past of BS

■ Most effective Reform

■ Although Landlordism persist

○ Land Consolidation

■ Still going on

■ Avg performance

○ Tenancy Regulation

■ Either abolish or regulate rent and give security of tenure

■ Most radical restructuring in Kerala and West bengal ( Most successful )

■ Not successful everywhere because laws were not implemented

○ Land Ceiling

■ To Limit land holding -> Confiscate extra land and redistribute

■ Limit depend upon productivity and other factors

■ Laws evaded by Benami and divorce

■ Not successful

○ Bhoodan movement

■ Also known as Land gi movement

■ Started by Acharya Vinood Bhave in 1951in Telangana

■ Gandhian approach of appealing the conscience

Operation Barga

■ Land reform in West Bengal started in 1978

■ Legal backing in 79 and 80

■ Bargadars means sharecropper

■ Aim is to make bargadars as landowner

■ Successful

● Still Land reform going on

○ Improve soil quality

○ Land record modernisation

○ Land leasing laws

Green Revolution

● Why food Shortage in 60ʼs

○ 2nd FYP -> focus on industry

○ 1962 and 65 war-> Resource diversion

○ 65 -67 -> Draught

○ Zoning Policy -> Famine like situation in Bihar

● Food import from USA under PL-480 Scheme -> Threat to strategic autonomy

● LBS -> Jai Jawan , Jai Kisan

● IG -> GR->Modern technology ( in 1960ʼs later half )

○ HYV Seeds , Pesticide , insecticide , fertiliser

● Introduced in areas where assured irrigation facility was there

PN, HR , Western UP , Coastal Andhra and Tamil Nadu

● Focus on Wheat and Rice

● Assured Market -> FCI , MSP , PDS , TPDS and Food security laws ->

● Attained self Sufficiency in Food

● Negative social and environmental Outcome

● M.S Swaminathan - Viability and sustainability in 2nd GR

White Revolution

● Varghees Kurian -> Anand in Gujarat -> dairy cooperative -> Rural development and

Poverty reduction

● 1970 started operation Flood

Indiaʼs External Relations

● World was divided in Two camps -> one by USA and other USSR

● Non-aligned movement

○ Not isolationism

○ Not aloofness

○ We will take stand as per our own national interest

○ Finally India signed Treaty of Peace and Friendship with USSR in 1971

● Afro Asian Unity

○ Asian Relation Conference -> March 1947

○ Bandung Conference -> 1955 -> Afro-Asian Conference

1961 -> NAM -> First meet in Belgrade -> Nehru was cofounder

● India -China

○ Started with Hindi-China bhai bhai

○ India recognised communist China

○ April 1954-> Panchsheel

○ 1959-> India gave asylum to Dalai Lama

○ 1957-59-> China captured aksai-chin and built strategic road

○ 1962 War

● India-Pakistan

○ Wars-> 1947 , 65 and 71

○ 1965-> Tashkent agreement btw LBS and Get Ayub Khan

○ 1971 -> Shimla agreement btw IG and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (July 1972)

● Nuclear Diplomacy

○ NPT 1967-> Not signed

○ CTBT 1995 -> not signed

○ 1974 first nuclear test

○ 1998 Nuclear power

India after Nehru

● LBS ( 1964 -66)

○ Jai Javan , Jai Kisan

○ Tashkent Agreement

● 4th General Election ( 1967)

○ Economic Crisis and Protest

○ Political Earthquake

○ Majority at centre but lowest seats and vote share since 1952 for congress

○ Lost majority in 7 states and couldnʼt form govt in other 2 , due to defections ->

1967 ( Aya ram , Gaya ram)

○ Tamil nadu-> DMK

○ West Bengal and Kerala

○ Indira Gandhi became PM -> Challenge from Syndicate grp within Congress

○ IG Policies

■ Socialist -> Garibi Hatao

■ Bank Nationalisation

■ General Insurance Nationalisation

■ Ceiling on Urban Property and income

■ Public distribution of food grain

■ Land reform

■ House for Rural Poor

■ Abolition of Privy Purse (*)

■ Grant to families of erstwhile Princely states

Not consonant with principal of equality

■ Indira Gandhi abolished it but Stuck down by SC

■ Electoral issue in 1971

■ CA aer 1971 victory

○ Conflict with Syndicate

■ Presidential Candidate

■ Syndicate supported N. Sanjeeva Reddy ( Lok Sabha Speaker )

■ Indira Gandhi Supported V.V Giri ( Then VP)

■ Finally V.V Giri won

■ Defeat of official Congress Candidate -> Split in Congress

○ 1971 Election

■ Record Victory to Indira Gandhi -> Largest ever

■ Bangladesh Liberation

■ Environmentalism -> Stockholm Conference in 1972

Crisis of Democratic Order

● Situation in 1970ʼs

○ Economic Crisis

■ Inflation , Unemployment , , Poverty etc

■ Bangladesh War

■ USA stopped aid to India

■ Oil Crisis

Opposition was able to mobilise popular protest

○ Also Naxalite movement

○ Conflict Btw Parliament and Supreme Court

● Gujarat Movement ( January 1974)

○ Congress Govt

○ Protest on issue of Price rise and Corruption

○ President Rule imposed

○ Morarji Desai lead the Protest -> Demanded fresh elections

○ Finally Congress was defeated

● Bihar Movement ( March 1974)

○ Issue of Price rise , Unemployment and Corruption

○ Jai Prakash Narayan agreed to lead the protest -> Non violent and not limit to


○ Demanded resignation from Congress govt in Bihar

● Movement extended to other parts of India

● Total Revolution call by JP

● Parliament March

● Railway Strike in 1974

● Naxalism

○ 1967 -> Peasant Uprising in Naxalbari area of Darjeeling hill district of West


○ Charu Majumdarr -> founder of CPI-ML

Conflict with Judiciary

○ Issue of Parliamentʼs power to amend constitution

■ Finally settled in Kesavananda Bharati case -> BS doctrine

○ Issue of appointment of Chief Justice

■ IG appointed AN Ray by superseding 3 senior most judges (gave anti govt

ruling )

■ Gave a call for Committed judiciary and Bureaucracy

○ Allahabad HC declared the election of IG Void on 12 June 1975

■ Petition by Raj Narain -> she had taken the support of govt Machinery

■ Stay granted by SC on 24th June

● Large scale political protest led by JP , to demand resignation of IG

● She responded by Imposing National Emergency on 25th June , under A -352 ->

Internal disturbance

● Suspension of Federal consti

● FR can be suspended

● Cabinet was informed next day

● Newspaper ban or prior permission -> electricity cut -> Censorship

● Leaders arrested -> Preventive detention

● Strikes ban , RSS Ban

● Right to life and liberty gone-> ADM Jabalpur case

● Awards Given back

● Election of PM , President and PM -> cant be challenged in court

● 42nd CAA

Shah Commision in 1977 to enquire upon need of emergency -> Many Excess were


● CPI supported govt in Emergency -> International Conspiracy against India

● IG brought 20 point pro poor prog during Emergency

○ Land Reforms , Land Redistribution

○ Review of agriculture wages

○ Eradication of Bonded Labour

○ Workers participation in Management

● Sanjay gandhi taking Control

○ Population Control

○ Relocation of poor

● Lessons from emergency

○ Importance of Civil Liberties

○ Litmus test for democracy

○ Constitutional Changes -> 44th AA

● March 1977 Election

○ Janta Party Came to power

Congress lost mainly in North India

● Leadership Conflict in JP -> MD, Charan Singh and Jagjivan Ram

● Again election in January 1980 -> IG came to power again

● Emergence of Regional parties

Rise of Popular Movement

● Discontent from democratic Govt

● Popular protest in the form of Civil Society Unrest Begins

● Chipko movement

○ 1973 Begins in UK

○ Against Felling of Trees

○ Finally Govt banned the Felling of Tress

○ Women Participation

● Dalit Panther

○ Late 1970ʼs in MH

○ 1988 -> Prevention of Atrocities To SC/ST act

● Peasant Protest under Bhartiya Kisan Union

○ In Late 1980ʼs in North India

○ Against WTO policies

● Anti-Arrack Movement

○ Against Desi Liquor

○ By Women in Andhra -> 1992

● Narmada bachao andolan

○ Narmada River -> Big dam project

○ 1989

○ National rehabilitation policy 2003

Regional Aspirations

● State reorganisation in 1956

● Demands Persist

● 1966-> PN and HR

● 2000ʼs UK and CH


● Violent movement -> Bindrawala

● Khalistan Movement

● 1984-> Operation Blue Star

● Indira Gandhi Assassination

States reorganisation

● 1956 State reorganisation

● 1960 MH & GJ

● Goa-> 1961

● Dadra and Nagar Haveli -> Portuguese ruled-> liberation in 1954

● Read Union and territory Chapter

Recent development

● Aer 1989 -> end of Congress System -> beginning of Coalition politics

● Mandal Issue -> 1989 -> OBC Reservation

● Economic liberalisation in 1991

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