Polity Test - 2

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 1. Which article prohibits discrimination based on religion?

a) Article 14 b) Article 15 c) Article 16 d) Article 17

2. The right to freedom of speech and expression is subject to reasonable restrictions in the interest of: a) Public order b) National security c) Morality d) All of the above

3. Which fundamental right is NOT guaranteed to non-citizens of India? a) Right to equality before law b) Right to freedom of religion c) Right against exploitation d) Cultural and Educational Rights

4. What is the writ used to challenge the legality of an order passed by a public authority? a) Habeas Corpus b) Certiorari c) Mandamus d) Prohibition

5. The right to life and liberty is enshrined under which fundamental right? a) Right to Equality b) Right to Freedom c) Right against Exploitation d) None of the above

6. Which article guarantees the right to free and compulsory education for children between the ages of 6 and 14? a) Article 21A b) Article 29 c) Article 30 d) Article 31

7. The concept of "reasonable restrictions" on fundamental rights was introduced by: a) The Constitution itself b) The Parliament through legislation c) The Supreme Court through judicial interpretation d) The President through executive orders

8. Which fundamental right is violated when someone is forced to work against their will? a) Right to Equality b) Right to Freedom c) Right against Exploitation d) Cultural and Educational Rights

9. The freedom to practice any profession is a part of which fundamental right? a) Right to Equality b) Right to Freedom c) Right against Exploitation d) Cultural and Educational Rights

10. The right to constitutional remedies allows individuals to approach the court for the enforcement of: a) Any legal right b) Fundamental Rights only c) Civil rights only d) Criminal rights only

Answer Key:

  1. b) Article 15
  2. d) All of the above
  3. d) Cultural and Educational Rights
  4. b) Certiorari
  5. a) Right to Equality (Article 21)
  6. a) Article 21A
  7. c) The Supreme Court through judicial interpretation
  8. c) Right against Exploitation
  9. b) Right to Freedom
  10. b) Fundamental Rights only

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