Polity Notes - 4

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Parliamentary system is based on principle of ‘checks and balance’ and not strict separation of power.

In Parliamentary system, Head of government is Prime Minister and Head of State is President.

In Parliamentary system, Council of Minister are collectively responsible to Parliament in general and Lok Sabha in particular.

Cabinet form of the government ✈ real executive power lies with cabinet headed by PM.

Prime ministerial form of Government ✈ concentration of cabinet power into PM.

Republican form of government ✈ head of the State is elected by the people of the country. 


Constitutional Government ✈ reasonable restriction on its coercive power to prevent its abuse against citizens✈✈ limited government.

Legitimate government✈ to govern with the consent of the governed.

main advantage of the parliamentary form of governments ✈ ensuring executive’s responsibility towards legislature.

Parliamentary form of government is part of the ‘basic structure’ doctrine

Parliamentary system prioritizes consensus-based decision making rather than swift and unilateral decisions.

Parliamentary system promotes dialogue, deliberation and diversity.

Under Parliamentary system, in ideal case party is more important than individual.

In Presidential form individual is more important than the party.

Parliamentary system = Westminster model (Palace of Westminster, where UK Parliament is located)

Parliamentary system has impartial + neutral civil services.

Parliamentary system has permanent and political executives. (Minister ✈ political executive, permanent executive✈✈ civil servants/Bureaucrats)

Real executive (de-facto) ✈ PM; nominal executive (de-jure) ✈✈ President.

Presidential system is based on separation of power.

Under Presidential system, President is head of the State + Government.

Presidential system promotes individual over party ✈ personality cult.

Under Presidential system, President has fixed term and can be removed only through impeachment.

In Presidential system, separate voting for electing legislature and executive.

In Presidential system, ministers/secretaries are appointed by President outside of Legislature

Indian Parliamentary system 

  • Elected upper house
  • Upper house act as revisionary chamber 
  • PM can belong to both lower/upper house
  • Republican as head of state is elected 
  • Ministers need not to countersign decision of official acts of the Head of the State.

British Parliamentary system

  • Nominated upper house
  • It’s just dilatory chamber
  • PM belongs only to Lower house
  • Monarchy→hereditary
  • Minister countersign decision of Monarch under the doctrine ‘King can do no wrong’

Basic structure doctrine: Basic structure doctrine can be found in German constitution. Preamble can be amended by parliament without infringing Basic structure doctrine.

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