PESA 1996

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Extension of PRI to Scheduled Areas.

Provisions of 73rd do not apply to 5th schedule areas. Like Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya.

Parliament is empowered to extend 73rd act to such areas.


1. Self rule.

2. Tribal autonomy.

3. Mainstreaming of Tribal culture.

4. Democratic decentralization.

5. Improve administration of such areas.

6. To prevent centralization of power in upper tier of PRIs.

Most Important Provisions of the PESA act:

1. Atleast 50 % reservation of seats for Tribal community candidate.

2. Mandatory consultation of Gram Sabha S or Panchayat for land acquisition.

3. Gram Sabha or panchayat approval for licensing of minor minerals.


Other powers of Gram Sabha:

1. Regulation of sale of any intoxicant.

2. Ownership of MFP. (Minor forest produce i.e. basically non timber products from forest like honey, fruits, flowers, Bamboo etc.)

3. Prevent land alienation.

4. Money lending.

5. Local planning.


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