The Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2012-2017)

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The Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2012-2017) aimed for "Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth", focusing on broad areas like infrastructure, education, healthcare, and poverty reduction. 

Main Theme: Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

Growth Target: 8% (achieved 7.15%)

Key Areas:

  • Growth: Infrastructure development, manufacturing, agriculture, and skill development.
  • Poverty and Unemployment: Creating jobs, providing social security, and improving rural infrastructure.
  • Education: Increasing access to quality education, improving learning outcomes, and promoting skill development.
  • Health: Expanding healthcare access, improving healthcare quality, and reducing infant mortality.
  • Infrastructure: Investing in transportation, energy, irrigation, and communication systems.
  • Environment: Promoting sustainable development, protecting natural resources, and combating climate change.
  • Service Delivery: Improving efficiency and transparency in government services.


  • Reduced poverty levels.
  • Increased access to education and healthcare.
  • Improved infrastructure development.
  • Promoted renewable energy use.


  • Fell short of the targeted growth rate.
  • Issues of inequality and corruption persisted.
  • Environmental challenges remained.

Overall, the 12th Five-Year Plan made significant progress in several areas, but it also faced challenges. The plan's focus on inclusive and sustainable growth remains relevant for India's development today.

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