The Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-2007)

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The Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-2007) was a period of significant economic growth for India, with an actual growth rate of 7.7%, although it fell short of the targeted 8%. 

Key Initiatives:

  • Focus on slow performing states: The plan aimed to provide targeted assistance to states with lagging economic growth.
  • Performance-based assistance: States were given financial incentives based on their performance in achieving development goals.
  • Doubling per capita income: The plan set an ambitious target of doubling per capita income in the next ten years.
  • Better resource utilization: The plan emphasized efficient use of resources, including energy resources.
  • Quick completion of ongoing projects: The government focused on completing ongoing infrastructure and development projects to avoid delays and cost overruns.
  • Social planning: The plan included initiatives to improve social welfare, education, and healthcare, with a focus on gender equality and empowerment of disadvantaged groups.
  • Gender budgeting: The plan allocated specific funds for programs aimed at improving the lives of women and girls.
  • Financial reorganization: The government undertook reforms to improve fiscal management and reduce public debt.
  • Tribal development: The plan included special programs for the development of tribal communities.
  • Backward caste improvement: The plan aimed to improve the socio-economic conditions of backward castes and other disadvantaged groups.
  • Employment generation: The plan set a target of creating 50 million new jobs during the plan period.


  • The Tenth Plan saw a continuation of the economic growth momentum from the previous plan.
  • Poverty levels declined, and there was progress in areas like education and healthcare.
  • The plan helped to improve infrastructure and connectivity in many parts of the country.
  • There was an increase in investment in social sectors like education and health.

Overall, the Tenth Five-Year Plan was a successful period for India's economy and social development. It laid the foundation for further growth and progress in the years to come

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