Jharkhand GK - 1

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The British entered into Jharkhand for the first time from the side of Singhbhum.

The British entered into Jharkhand for the first time from the side of Singhbhum. Singhbhum was a district of India during British Raj part of the Chota Nagpur division of Bengal presidency. At present it is located in the Jharkhand state. Singhbhum is divided into three smalls districts- East Singhbhum, West Singhbhum and Saraikela Kharsawan.

Who was the main leader of the whole Singhbhum region in 1857 revolution?

Raja Arjun Singh

The leading figure of revolutionaries in the whole Singhbhum region in 1857 revolution was Raja Arjun Singh. Arjun Singh was the zemidar of Porhat near Chakra Dharpur in Jharkhand whose territory roughly covered the modern districts of undivided Singhbhum.

What was the Santhal Pargana region called in ancient times?


Santhal Pargana region was called ‘Narikhand’ in ancient times. According to Buddhist literature, this region was also called ‘Kajangala’. During Mahabharat period Santhal Pargana region was a part of Anga Mahajanapada.

Safa-Hor movement is associated with which tribal community?


Safa-Hor movement is associated with the Santhal tribe. Kherwar movement (1868-71) is also known as Safa-Hor movement. This movement had popularized the concept of one God as well as aimed at social reform.

'Rajgarh' in Munda tradition is related to which place?


Rajgarh in Munda tradition is related to Rajgir. Rajgir or Rajgrih was the capital of Magadh. The place was known as Girivraj in Mahabharat period, which was the ancient capital of Jarasandha.

When did the Chotanagpur region come under the British rule?


The Chhotanagpur area had come under the control of the British rule by 1765. Although Chotanagpur was ceded to the British East India Company (EIC) in 1765, the first entry of the British rulers into this region took place in 1772 when Dripanath Shahi was the ruler of the region.

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