Do you think marriage as a sacrament is loosing its value in Modern India?

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Marriage is one of the most important social institutions in India. It is a sacred union between two people and their families, and it is often seen as a lifelong commitment. Yes, it is true that marriage as a sacrament is losing some of its value in modern India. This is due to a number of factors, including:

  • One of the most significant changes is the rising age of marriage. In the past, most people in India married in their early twenties or even younger. However, today, the average age of marriage for both men and women is over 25. This is due to a number of factors, including increased access to education and employment opportunities, as well as changing social values.
  • Another major change is the increasing acceptance of inter-caste and interfaith marriages. In the past, these types of marriages were often frowned upon or even forbidden. However, today, they are becoming more common, especially in urban areas. This is a sign of increasing social tolerance and openness.
  • The changing role of women in Indian society is also having an impact on marriage. In the past, women were expected to be subservient to their husbands and to focus on their domestic duties. However, today, women are more educated and employed, and they are demanding more equality in their marriages. This is leading to a more egalitarian view of marriage, with both partners expected to contribute equally to the relationship.
  • The legal landscape around marriage in India is also changing. For example, the introduction of divorce and the recognition of live-in relationships has made it easier for people to end marriages that are not working, and has also made other forms of relationships more socially acceptable.

Despite these changes, marriage as a sacrament remains an important institution in India. It is still seen as the ideal way to start a family, and many people continue to value the religious and social significance of marriage. However, it is clear that the institution of marriage is evolving, and that its sacramental value is no longer as universally accepted as it once was.

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