Kargil Vijay Diwas: Remembering the Sacrifices of 1999

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26th July 2023 marked the 24th anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas. Every year this day is observed to pay tribute and honor to the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers in the Indo-Pak War of 1999.

The Kargil War was an unexpected intrusion by Pakistani forces into Indian territory at the Line of Control (LoC) in the Kargil district of Ladakh. As part of Operation Badr, Pakistan moved troops into Indian territory covertly and took over a portion of Kargil. 

Under Operation Vijay, the Indian Army fought bravely and recaptured the famous 'Tiger Hill' and other important posts by evicting the Pakistani troops. The war lasted for about three months and ended in a decisive victory for India.

The Indian Navy played an important role in the Kargil War, even though its role was often overlooked. The Navy was responsible for protecting India's maritime borders and preventing Pakistan from using the sea to resupply its troops in Kargil.

The Navy carried out Operation Talwar, which involved bolstering coastal defenses, conducting maritime patrols, and protecting Bombay High. The Navy also used its maritime reconnaissance aircraft to pinpoint enemy gun locations and provide intelligence to the Army.

The Kargil War was a watershed moment in India's military history. It showed the world that India was capable of fighting and winning a war at high altitudes. The war also highlighted the importance of the Indian Navy in India's overall security.

Twenty-four years after the Kargil War, India's maritime threats have only increased. Both the Chinese and Pakistani navies have expanded significantly. China's naval presence in and around the Arabian Sea is more frequent, and its naval base in Djibouti and possible use of Gwadar port are a clear and present danger to India.

In order to meet these challenges, India needs to significantly enhance its naval power in all three dimensions — surface, air, and sub-surface. India also needs to develop blue-water naval capabilities and sea-denial capabilities. Finally, India needs to develop strategic alignments with like-minded countries, such as the Quad grouping.

The Kargil War was a costly victory, but it was a victory nonetheless. The sacrifices of the soldiers who fought in the war will never be forgotten. On this Kargil Vijay Diwas, let us pay tribute to their bravery and sacrifice.

The Indian Navy has come a long way since the Kargil War. However, there are still some areas where the Navy needs to improve.

Enhancing Naval Power: The Indian Navy needs to significantly enhance its naval power in all three dimensions — surface, air, and sub-surface. This includes acquiring more modern ships, submarines, and aircraft.

Developing Blue-Water Naval Capability: The Indian Navy needs to significantly develop blue-water naval capabilities. This means being able to carry out operations far from its borders, without being required to return to its home port to refuel or re-stock.

Developing Sea-Denial Capability: The Indian Navy needs to significantly develop Sea-Denial Capability. This means being able to deny the enemy's ability to use the sea without necessarily attempting to control the sea for its own use.

Strategic Alignment: The Indian Navy needs to develop and enhance strategic alignments with like-minded countries. This could include expanding the Quad grouping to include ASEAN member countries.

By taking these steps, the Indian Navy can ensure that it is prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

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