Ancient Indian History

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Ancient Indian History

Pre Historic Time- Stone Age
Sources of Pre History
Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) (2 million BC – 10,000 BC) *
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) (10,000 BC – 8,000 BC)  *
Neolithic (New Stone Age) (8000 BC – 4000 BC) *
*Occupation, Tools, Pottery, Settlements, Lifestyle, Prehistoric Art (Cave paintings). 
Chalcolithic (4000 BC – 1500 BC) - Early towns and settlements, Farming Cultures (Ahar, Malwa, Jorwe etc) , Pottery (Ochre coloured), Dwelling and Burial practices
Old NCERT Class 11 : Chapter 5,6 

Indus Valley Civilization- Bronze Age
Origin, Geographical Extent, Cities and towns, Urban planning, Important structures, Agriculture, Trade and economy, Political organisation, Religious practices- Nature and animal worship, Crafts and Pottery, Seals , Bronze and terracotta figurines, Decline and its causes. 
Old NCERT Class 11 : Chapter 7

Early Vedic Age (1500- 900 BCE)
Advent of Aryans, Family and kinship - Tribal , Rig Veda, Social Practices, Tribal Polity and administration. Occupation and economy, Religion and Vedic Gods. 
 Old NCERT Class 11 Chapter 8

Later Vedic Age (900 - 600 BCE)
Transition to Later Vedic Age , Developments in Political Organisation and Economy, Social Order (Rise of Gotra system, Ashramas, Caste ), Differences between Rig Vedic and Later Vedic society, Use of Iron- PGW Iron Phase, Vedas and Upanishads, Religion and rituals. Heterodox Philosophical systems. 
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 9, 25

Mahajanapadas / Age of Buddha (600-300 BCE)
Rise of State polity, 2nd Urbanisation- Rise of new cities, Magadha Empire - Administration & Economy , Republican States , Society and Religion , Iranian & Macedonian invasion.
Jainism and Buddhism- Birth of Mahavira / Buddha, Orgin and Spread, Doctrines and Principles, Monastic establishments (Basadis/ Viharas), Jain & Buddhist Councils, Art and Architecture , Literature. 
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 10, 11,12,13

Mauryan Empire
Rise of the Mauryan dynasty, Chandragupta Mauryan, Administration, bureaucracy, taxation and polity, Chanakya's Arthashastra. 
Ashoka - Inscriptions (minor and major rock edicts ) , Art and Architecture, Ashoka's Dhamma and patronage of Buddhism.
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 14,15

Post Mauryan Age
Sungas and Kanwas. 
Central Asian Invasions - Indo Greeks, Shakas, Parthians, Kushans. Their Impact- Money Economy, expansion in trade, silk route. Influx of foreign elements in polity, army, crafts. Religious Devilments- Mahayana Buddhism, Gandhara and Mathura school of art, Science & Technology, Literature.
Satavahanas- Polity and administration, Economy, Social Organisation , Religious Patronage, Art and Architecture. 
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 16, 17,19

Megaliths and Sangam Age
Megalithic culture- burials, pottery, tools, settlements.
Sangam Age- Tamil Sangam literature , Chera, Chola and Pandyas, Evolution of early Tamil polity and society from Sangam Literature.
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 18

Guptas Age
Rise of the Guptas, Expansion and Administration, Trade and economy, Societal practices and status of women, Religion, Art and Architecture, Developments in Science and technology.
Religious Literature- Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas. Secular 
Works- Works of Court poets like Kalidasa, Bhasa etc Scientific works of Aryabhata, Varahamihra etc. Decline of Guptas.
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 20,21

Post Guptas
Harshavardhana- Early life, 
Polity, Administration, Economy,
Society, Religion, Land Grants and 
its impact, Social conditions, Harsha and Buddhism,
 Hiuen Tsang visit and account of India. 
Literature- Works of Bhana & Harsha.
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 23

The Southern Dynasties 
The Shathavahanas (230 BC TO AD 225), Pallavas (AD 330–796)  and Chalukyas (AD 535–1190), The Chola Dynasty (AD 850–1310), Rashtrakutas (AD 753–973) in South. Administration and economy. 
Chalukya art, Pallava art and Literary works.
Old NCERT Class 11: Chapter 24

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