Source regions of tropical cyclones

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North Atlantic (western tropical part): 

  • Mainly over Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico and 
  • Maximum frequency is during August to October.

Indian Ocean: 

  • Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, with two maxima 
  • One in May and another in October-November.

South Indian Ocean: 

  • The area extending from Madagascar and Reunion islands up to 900 E longitude and Timor Sea in north-western Australia and 
  • Mainly during January to March.

North Pacific Ocean (eastern tropical part): 

  • Over western coastal areas of Mexico and Central America up to California coast and 
  • Maximum occurrence is during August to October.

North Pacific Ocean (western tropical part): 

  • This region has maximum occurrence of cyclones in the world with 
  • Maximum frequency in August and September and includes mainly, 
  • Philippines, China sea and areas around Japan.

South Pacific Ocean (western tropical part): 

  • East coast of Australia, in and around Samoa and Fiji Islands and around the Coral Sea region and 
  • Occur during January to March.

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