What is Constitution?

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A constitution is a set of written laws and principles that describe the basic rules and values of a political system, establish the structure and organization of the government, and prescribe the powers and duties of its various branches.

Unitary Constitution: A system in which the central government holds all the power and the local governments are subordinate to it. Examples: France, Japan.

Federal Constitution: A system in which power is divided between a central government and several constituent states or regions. Examples: United States, Australia, Brazil.

Confederation Constitution: A system in which the central government has limited powers, and the constituent states or regions retain significant autonomy. Examples: Switzerland, Germany (prior to 1871).

Parliamentary Constitution: A system in which the legislative branch is supreme, and the executive branch is accountable to it. Examples: United Kingdom, India.

Presidential Constitution: A system in which the executive branch is separate from the legislative branch and has significant independence and power. Examples: United States, Mexico.

Hybrid Constitution: A system that combines elements of different types of constitutions. Examples: Russia, South Africa.

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