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Nationality refers to the shared cultural, historical, and linguistic identity of a group of people. It is often associated with the concept of a nation, which refers to a group of people who share a common identity, culture, history, and often a shared territory.

Nationality can be based on various factors such as shared language, culture, history, religion, and ethnicity. It is often used as a way to identify and differentiate between different groups of people.

Nationality can be acquired through various means such as birth within the territory of a state or nation, descent from parents who are citizens of a state or nation, or naturalization, which is the process of legally becoming a citizen after meeting certain requirements.

Nationality can also be used to determine a person's legal status within a country, such as the right to work, vote, and access social services. However, nationality can also be used as a way to discriminate against individuals based on their perceived national identity.

Nationality refers to the shared cultural, historical, and linguistic identity of a group of people. It is often associated with the concept of a nation, and it can be acquired through various means such as birth, descent, or naturalization. Nationality is also used to determine a person's legal status within a country, but it can also be used as a way to discriminate against individuals based on their perceived national identity. 

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